My Story

Debbie Martin, LMT and LifeWave Brand Partner

I’ve been a Licensed Massage Therapist for 29 years and currently work part-time at a top country club in Dallas, TX. I owned a small Day Spa for 8 years in my hometown of Paris, TX. Health and wellness has always been my passion.

I am grateful to God for His many blessings on my life. I believe God brought LifeWave to me for a greater purpose. I feel aligned with the Founder/Inventor’s vision to help humanity.

I started on the LifeWave patches (X39 and Aeon) on July 15, 2023. I’m 69 years young. The first day I told friends I felt like I was plugged into a 220. I couldn’t stop laughing. Then I felt a wave of clear mental calmness that came over me that afternoon. For the next 3 days I woke up at 4:30 in the morning feeling rested and ready to get up. Fast forward 3 1/2 months later and I feel absolutely fantastic! I am functioning at a level I was at 25 to 30 years ago! I wake in the morning and pop out of bed with no more morning stiffness. My energy level and performance through the day is outstanding. My mind is sharper and I’m happier. I have had a chronic allergy related cough for many years and that is about 90% gone. The chronic discomfort in my neck and right shoulder from my work as a massage therapist and computer work is 95% gone. I walk up 3 flights of stairs as though it’s nothing when I used to puff a little walking up them. My skin looks better. I had a client who I have not seen in a year say to me, “I swear you look younger!” Those were her first words to me. I’m so excited to see where I will be a year and two years from now! I highly recommend LifeWave patches! My top recommendations are X39 and Aeon for sure! Plus, the business opportunity has totally changed my life! I can only recommend things I totally believe in and I believe in LifeWave 100%!!!

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