
Opportunity Overview

Former Navy Seal, Michael Jaco, Interviews LifeWave Founder

LifeWave History and Patch Technology

Dr. Staci Holweger explains how LifeWave got started and the patch technology. Dr. Staci has a Ph.D. in Quantum Integrative Medicine and a Ph.D. in Functional Medicine.

Medical Doctor explains LifeWave Technology.

Dr. Staci interviews Medical Doctor and he offers a simplified explanation of the light technology in the patches.

Plastic Surgeon explains X39 Patch & Copper Peptides.

World renowned Plastic Surgeon, Adam Scheiner, M.D. has been featured on Dr. Oz, The Doctors Show, and various news interviews. He puts all his patients on X39 patch because they heal faster and have other health benefits.

The Future

LifeWave has a unique vision for the future.

LifeWave Gala October 2023 in Orlando, FL